Source code for bluetooth_clocks

"""Set and get the time on various Bluetooth clocks.

This project offers a way to easily recognize Bluetooth Low Energy clocks from their
advertisements and has a device-independent API to set and get the time on them.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from importlib import import_module
from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError, version  # pragma: no cover
from inspect import isclass
from pathlib import Path
from pkgutil import iter_modules
from time import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar

    from uuid import UUID

from bleak import BleakClient

    from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice
    from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementData

from bluetooth_clocks.exceptions import TimeNotReadableError, UnsupportedDeviceError

    # Change here if project is renamed and does not equal the package name
    dist_name = "bluetooth-clocks"
    __version__ = version(dist_name)
except PackageNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover
    __version__ = "unknown"
    del version, PackageNotFoundError

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""The number of seconds in an hour.

You can use this constant in subclasses of :class:`BluetoothClock`.

MICROSECONDS = 1_000_000
"""The number of microseconds in a second.

You can use this constant in subclasses of :class:`BluetoothClock`.

_supported_devices: list[type[BluetoothClock]] = []
"""Registry of all :class:`BluetoothClock` subclasses for supported devices."""

[docs]def supported_devices() -> list[str]: """Get a list of names of supported devices. Returns: list[str]: A list of the names of devices supported by this library. Example: >>> from bluetooth_clocks import supported_devices >>> "ThermoPro TP393" in supported_devices() True """ return [device.DEVICE_TYPE for device in _supported_devices]
[docs]class BluetoothClock(ABC): """Abstract class that represents the definition of a Bluetooth clock. Support for every type of Bluetooth clock is implemented as a separate subclass by giving the class variables a value and/or by overriding methods or implementing abstract methods of this class. Attributes: address (str): The Bluetooth address of the device. name (str | None): The name of the device, or ``None`` if it doesn't have a name. """ DEVICE_TYPE: ClassVar[str] """The name of the device type.""" SERVICE_UUID: ClassVar[UUID] """The UUID of the service used to read/write the time.""" CHAR_UUID: ClassVar[UUID] """The UUID of the characteristic used to read/write the time.""" TIME_GET_FORMAT: ClassVar[str | None] """The format string to convert bytes read from the device to a time. This is ``None`` if the device doesn't support reading the time. """ TIME_SET_FORMAT: ClassVar[str] """The format string to convert a time to bytes written to the device.""" WRITE_WITH_RESPONSE: ClassVar[bool] """``True`` if the bytes to set the time should use write with response.""" LOCAL_NAME: ClassVar[str | None] """The local name used to recognize this type of device. This is ``None`` if the local name isn't used to recognize the device.""" LOCAL_NAME_STARTS_WITH: ClassVar[bool | None] """Whether the local name should start with `LOCAL_NAME`. ``True`` if the start of `LOCAL_NAME` is used to recognize this type of device. ``False`` if the local name should exactly match `LOCAL_NAME`. This is ``None`` if the local name isn't used to recognize the device. """ def __init__(self, device: BLEDevice) -> None: """Create a BluetoothClock object. Args: device (BLEDevice): The Bluetooth device. """ self.address = device.address =
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_advertisement( cls, device: BLEDevice, advertisement_data: AdvertisementData, ) -> BluetoothClock: """Create object of a :class:`BluetoothClock` subclass from advertisement data. This is a factory method that you use if you don't know the exact device type beforehand. This method automatically recognizes the device type and creates an object of the corresponding subclass. Args: device (~bleak.backends.device.BLEDevice): The Bluetooth device. advertisement_data (~bleak.backends.scanner.AdvertisementData): The advertisement data. Raises: UnsupportedDeviceError: If the device with address `address` isn't supported. Returns: :class:`BluetoothClock`: An object of the subclass corresponding to the recognized device type. """ for device_class in _supported_devices: if device_class.recognize(device, advertisement_data): return device_class(device) raise UnsupportedDeviceError(device, advertisement_data)
[docs] @classmethod def is_readable(cls) -> bool: """Test whether you can read the time from this device. Returns: bool: ``True`` if this device supports reading the time, ``False`` otherwise. Example: >>> from bluetooth_clocks.devices.xiaomi import LYWSD02 >>> from bluetooth_clocks.devices.qingping import CGC1 >>> LYWSD02.is_readable() True >>> CGC1.is_readable() False """ return bool(cls.TIME_GET_FORMAT)
[docs] @classmethod def recognize( cls, device: BLEDevice, advertisement_data: AdvertisementData, ) -> bool: """Recognize this device type from advertisement data. By default this checks whether the advertisement data has a local name that is equal to or starts with `LOCAL_NAME`, by calling :meth:`recognize_from_local_name`. Override this method in a subclass if the device type should be recognized in another way from advertisement data. Args: device (~bleak.backends.device.BLEDevice): The Bluetooth device. advertisement_data (~bleak.backends.scanner.AdvertisementData): The advertisement data. Returns: bool: ``True`` if this subclass of :class:`BluetoothClock` recognizes the device, ``False`` otherwise. """ return cls.recognize_from_local_name(advertisement_data.local_name)
[docs] @classmethod def recognize_from_service_uuids(cls, service_uuids: list[str] | None) -> bool: """Recognize this device type from service UUIDs. This is a helper method that subclasses can use to implement their :meth:`recognize` method. Args: service_uuids (list[str] | None = None): Service UUIDs of the device, or ``None`` if the device doesn't advertise service UUIDs. Returns: bool: ``True`` if this subclass of :class:`BluetoothClock` recognizes the device from the service UUIDs in `service_uuids`, ``False`` otherwise. """ if service_uuids is None: # The device doesn't advertise service UUIDs return False return str(cls.SERVICE_UUID) in service_uuids
[docs] @classmethod def recognize_from_local_name( cls, local_name: str | None, ) -> bool: """Recognize the device from an advertised local name. This is a helper method that subclasses can use to implement their :meth:`recognize` method. Args: local_name (str | None = None): The local name of the device, or ``None`` if it doesn't advertise its local name. Returns: bool: ``True`` if this subclass of :class:`BluetoothClock` recognizes the device from its local name `local_name`, ``False`` otherwise. """ if local_name is None or cls.LOCAL_NAME is None: # The device doesn't advertise a local name # or the device type can't be recognized by its local name. return False if cls.LOCAL_NAME_STARTS_WITH: return local_name.startswith(cls.LOCAL_NAME) return local_name == cls.LOCAL_NAME
[docs] def get_time_from_bytes(self, time_bytes: bytes) -> float: """Convert bytes read from a device to a timestamp. Override this method in a subclass for a device that supports getting the time. Args: time_bytes (bytes): The raw bytes read from the device. Raises: InvalidTimeBytesError: If `time_bytes` don't have the right format. TimeNotReadableError: If the device doesn't support getting the time. Returns: float: The time encoded as a Unix timestamp. Example: >>> from bluetooth_clocks.devices.xiaomi import LYWSD02 >>> from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice >>> from datetime import datetime >>> clock = LYWSD02(BLEDevice("E7:2E:00:B1:38:96", "", {}, -67)) >>> timestamp = clock.get_time_from_bytes( ... bytes([0xdd, 0xbc, 0xb9, 0x63, 0x00])) >>> print(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) 2023-01-07 18:41:33 """ # noqa: E501 raise TimeNotReadableError
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_bytes_from_time(self, timestamp: float, ampm: bool = False) -> bytes: """Generate the bytes to set the time on this device. Override this method in a subclass to implement the device's time format. Args: timestamp (float): The time encoded as a Unix timestamp. ampm (bool): ``True`` if the device should show the time with AM/PM, ``False`` if it should use 24-hour format. Devices that don't support choosing the mode can ignore this argument. Returns: bytes: The bytes needed to set the time of the device to `timestamp`. Example: >>> from bluetooth_clocks.devices.thermopro import TP393 >>> from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice >>> from datetime import datetime >>> clock = TP393(BLEDevice("10:76:36:14:2A:3D", "TP393 (2A3D)", {}, -67)) >>> timestamp = datetime.fromisoformat("2023-01-07 17:32:50").timestamp() >>> clock.get_bytes_from_time(timestamp, ampm=True).hex() 'a517010711203206005a' """
[docs] async def get_time(self) -> float: """Get the time of the Bluetooth clock. Raises: TimeNotReadableError: If the device doesn't support getting the time. Returns: float: The time of the Bluetooth clock. """ # Don't try to connect if the device doesn't support getting the time. if not self.is_readable(): raise TimeNotReadableError"Connecting to device...") async with BleakClient(self.address) as client: service = characteristic = service.get_characteristic(self.CHAR_UUID) time_bytes = await client.read_gatt_char(characteristic) return self.get_time_from_bytes(time_bytes)
[docs] async def set_time( self, timestamp: float | None = None, ampm: bool = False, ) -> None: """Set the time of the Bluetooth clock. Args: timestamp (float | None = None): The timestamp to write to the clock. If this is ``None``, the current time is used. ampm (bool): ``True`` if the device should show the time with AM/PM, ``False`` if it should use 24-hour format. Devices that don't support choosing the mode can ignore this argument. """ async with BleakClient(self.address) as client: service = characteristic = service.get_characteristic(self.CHAR_UUID) if timestamp is None: # Use the current time if the time is not specified. timestamp = time() await client.write_gatt_char( characteristic, self.get_bytes_from_time(timestamp, ampm), response=self.WRITE_WITH_RESPONSE, )
# Iterate through the modules in the module `device`. package_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "devices" for _, module_name, _ in iter_modules([str(package_dir)]): # type: ignore[assignment] # Import the module and iterate through its attributes module = import_module(f"{__name__}.devices.{module_name}") for attribute_name in dir(module): attribute = getattr(module, attribute_name) if isclass(attribute) and hasattr(attribute, "DEVICE_TYPE"): _supported_devices.append(attribute)